One thing he currently keeps doing is “the WC Gallery” which is exhibitions that happened in the 1st floor bathroom of his home. He challenged the traditional concept of a gallery which used to be a white cube with broad and bright space. Instead, he chose a familiar place that everyone has easy access to the gallery and to see the works. I feel the idea of “the WC Gallery” reminds me of the quality of new media that everyone can easily get to know art and information.
Moreover, Stephen’s idea of his works is fresh and compatible. For example, he creating photography, painting, and words and combining these elements in his book and brochures may not be viewed as art before. However, for him, even text is a form of art. He said that his favorite media is language, which is impressive. Books and printing words in cards are not the latest media, but Perkin’s new form and concept of using text and paper refreshes people’s ideas about the text and empowers text more possibilities. He broke the boundaries of people’s perceptions of art and new media. Mc Luhan said that "Our time is a time for crossing barriers, for erasing old categories - for probing around. When two seemingly disperate elements are imaginatively polsed, put in apposition in new and unique ways, starting discoveries often result. "
Perkin’s creation of art suggests the possibilities and easy to access of new-media. His idea and his art are both free and funny.