Aliens landed
Trying different instruments in the garage band to create sounds is interesting since the sounds of some instruments are quite distinguishable. It is also cool to hear different sounds combined together and producing different feelings. I used the keyboard to play a serious weird sound, which is like the background sound while playing mobile game. Because of the pitch was played in fluctuation and cadence, the sound sounds like aliens are talking in their words. I also used the repetitive sound to offer a background of their conversation. During the strong part of the sounds, my feeling is that they are fighting and having debate. In the second part of the music, they get a consistency, so the music is softer than the first part. Or my feeling is that aliens in two planets are having communication about the friendly exchange, so it is a piece of alien's twittering during discussion.
"Most people find it difficult to understand purely verbal concepts, They suspect the ear; they don't trust it. In general we feel more secure when things are visible, when we can 'see for ourselves.'" --------Mc LuhanAs Mc Luhan said, most people trust eyes more than ear. Aliens and aliens' language, however, is not something invisible and untouchable. Visual images of aliens are most rely on people's imagination, so feeling and imagination are more important as portraying aliens' world. In this piece of sound, people can have new experience of purely trust ears and get the feeling of verbal concepts.
I love the alien sounds and the visuals. Reminds me a lot of Charles Cornell who transcribes words spoken into music.