Artist Talk by Maeve Jackson

In the artist talk, Maeve Jackson talked about how her working process gives her more thinking and makes her know better about herself. She likes creating challenges and seeing more possibilities in this process; one example could be that while she felt comfortable with one camera to take photos, she changed different cameras to take photos.
While she plays with technology to record life and to make art, it is the exploration of her work and herself as well. Herself, as a subject experiencing isolation, went to places she did not know and took photos for people she did not know. Her working process made her think about where is her place in the world. We can see mobility through her work; her work can go with her to any place, and her works were produced in different places. 

One interesting work representing mobility is the video played by a television set up into a wheelbarrow shows the view that she captured on the train is. She always can pick it up and bring it to a new location. Using television as the medium is because she always sits in front of the television when she was a kid. Marshall McLuhan said: “The medium, or process, of our time – electric technology – is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and reevaluate practically every thought, every action, and every institution formerly taken for granted.” In Maeve's experience, the familiar mediums, television, videos, and photographs reshape and reconstruct Maeve's life years later. Maeve said:" while she watches more of her film, she becomes more understand herself." 

